Table of Contents
The major difference between Scheme and Common Lisp is that Scheme is designed as simplistic as possible. Thus unlike the enormous Common Lisp library the base Scheme system is rather small in comparison. Scheme is intended to be extended through libraries written inside itself.
The reason Scheme even features on this page is due to the availability of a DotNet interoperable variant called IronScheme. If it wasn't for this fact, Scheme wouldn't even be considered as a replacement to Autolisp, the Common Lisp language is a bit closer to Autolisp and thus would be preferred. However due to Iron Scheme being a DotNet implementation it might be easier to accomplish such using the IronScheme package.
As Iron Scheme is capable of loading and creating DotNet assemblies it might be a relatively easy task of implementing this into AutoCad. Also the IronScheme interpreter and/or compiler can be called direct from within a DotNet assembly. A similar idea was experimented with using the IronPython language. See Keen Walmsley's blog on Using Iron Python with AutoCAD. Further investigation to follow.